Congressi Nazionali SISEF



Raddi S, Pierguidi A, Cherubini P

Salt tollerance in the first vital phases of Fraxinus angustifolia

Riassunto: Southern ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.) response to increasing levels of salinity (to 200 mM NaCl) was evaluated for seed germination and first-year seedling physiology. Germination was significantly reduced over 50 mM NaCl, due to osmotic effects. During June to end July ash seedlings showed a sharp reduction in growth, photosynthetic efficiency and potential, and differences in isotope discrimination ratios with salinity levels above 100 mM NaCl. Mortality was observed above 150 mM NaCl, suggesting a moderate to high salt tolerance for this species

Parole Chiave: Mediterranean hygrophilous forests, Salt tolerance, Leaf fluorescence and reflectance, Stable isotopes

Citazione: Raddi S, Pierguidi A, Cherubini P (2015). Salt tollerance in the first vital phases of Fraxinus angustifolia. In: X Congresso Nazionale SISEF “Sostenere il pianeta, boschi per la vita: ricerca e innovazione per la tutela e la valorizzazione delle risorse forestali“ (Firenze, 15-18 Settembre 2015), Abstract-book, Contributo #c10.14.45. - [online] URL:


Congresso X Congresso Nazionale SISEF
“Sostenere il pianeta, boschi per la vita: ricerca e innovazione per la tutela e la valorizzazione delle risorse forestali”
Firenze, 15-18 Settembre 2015
Collocazione c10.14.45 (#)
Sessione Sessione poster 02
Moderatore/i -
Data Sep 16, 2015
Ora 16:30-17:00
Luogo Spazio Espositivo
Info Autori
(*): speaker

Sabrina Raddi*
Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Systems, Università degli Studi di Firenze
Firenze - Italy
Email: sabrina.raddi [at]

Alberto Pierguidi
Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Systems, Università degli Studi di Firenze
Firenze - Italy
Email: alberto.pierguidi [at]

Paolo Cherubini
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research
Birmensdorf - Switzerland
Email: paolo.cherubini [at]