Congressi Nazionali SISEF


Presentazione breve

Ferrara C, Marchi M, Bertini G, Salvati L, Fares S, Fabbio G

The SMART4ACTION project between total census and statistical sampling of forest mensurational data and climatic variables

Riassunto: High-quality data and long-term time series are the basis of any research activity dealing with natural resources analysis. Missing data may represent a serious issue to overcome in the analysis process. Therefore, adequate sampling designs are fundamental to allow a robust statistical analysis to be representative of a relevant set of target variables. In this respect, a summary of the results obtained from the LIFE SMART4ACTION project is reported, concerning both forest surveys and climatic data. Working on the spatial structure of ICP-Forests plots and climatic dataset from 1998 to 2013, a sub-sampling procedure was evaluated by means of random extraction without replacement to assess the possibility of costs reduction due to a lower amount of field operation. Results demonstrated that the use of horizontal sub-sampling method for estimation of total stand basal area and indirect estimation of current increment may represent an effective procedure for a coherent characterization of horizontal distribution of trees, with a sensible costs reduction and a controlled estimation error. Concerning the climate, the study highlighted that, while monthly or seasonal statistics can be proficiently estimated for air temperature or relative humidity even when missing values are higher than 50%, much more difficulties arise for precipitations due to their variability during the whole year. Therefore, intra-seasonal or intra-monthly variability of precipitation requires a higher density of observations and, in this case, gap filling represents the only feasible solution.

Parole Chiave: Representativeness, ICP-Forests, Statistical sampling, Climate, Mensurational data

Citazione: Ferrara C, Marchi M, Bertini G, Salvati L, Fares S, Fabbio G (2017). The SMART4ACTION project between total census and statistical sampling of forest mensurational data and climatic variables. In: XI Congresso Nazionale SISEF “La Foresta che cambia: ricerca, qualità della vita e opportunità in un paese in transizione“ (Roma, 10-13 Ottobre 2017), Abstract-book, Contributo #c11.17.9. - [online] URL:


Congresso XI Congresso Nazionale SISEF
“La Foresta che cambia: ricerca, qualità della vita e opportunità in un paese in transizione”
Roma, 10-13 Ottobre 2017
Collocazione c11.17.9 (#)
Sessione Presentazioni Brevi 01
Moderatore/i Lorenzo Sallustio - Alessandro Alivernini
Data Oct 11, 2017
Ora 12:30-14:30
Luogo Spazio Espositivo
Info Autori
(*): speaker

Carlotta Ferrara
Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Research Centre for Agriculture and Environment (CREA-AA)
Rome - Italy
Email: carlotta.ferrara [at]

Maurizio Marchi*
Council for agricultural research and economics - Research Centre for Forestry and Wood (CREA-FL)
Arezzo - Italy
Email: maurizio.marchi [at]

Giada Bertini
Council for agricultural research and economics - Research Centre for Forestry and Wood (CREA-FL)
Arezzo - Italy
Email: giada.bertini [at]

Luca Salvati
Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Research Centre for Agriculture and Environment (CREA-AA)
Rome - Italy
Email: bayes00 [at]

Silvano Fares
Council for agricultural research and economics - Research Centre for Forestry and Wood (CREA-FL)
Arezzo - Italy
Email: silvano.fares [at]

Gianfranco Fabbio
Council for agricultural research and economics - Research Centre for Forestry and Wood (CREA-FL)
Arezzo - Italy
Email: gianfranco.fabbio [at]