
 Keynote Speakers

Prof. Jorge Castro Gutiérrez

Prof. Jorge Castro Gutiérrez

Jorge Castro Gutiérrez

Department of Ecology, University of Granada (Spain)

Jorge Castro is a Professor of Ecology at the University of Granada (Department of Ecology). The main goal of his research is related to forest ecology in Mediterranean type ecosystems, with special attention to the factors that determine the regeneration and conservation of forests, considering most of the processes that operate from seed dispersal to the establishment of adult trees. Thus, he has studied seed predation, seed dispersal, the effect of herbivores on plant regeneration, soil-plant-microorganism interactions, soil nutrient dynamics, or the effect of drought and climate change on plant regeneration. His research also focus on forest and shrublands restoration, with special emphasis in post-fire restoration. He is the head of the Research Group "Conservation and Restoration of Ecosystems and Agroecosystems" of the University of Granada. For a selected list of publications, see Google Scholar.

See the details of his speech (Monday 9 September 2024, 11:00-12:45 - Keynote Lectures).



Prof. Jørgen Bo Larsen

Prof. Jørgen Bo Larsen

Jørgen Bo Larsen

Professor, emeritus, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)

Jørgen Bo Larsen is professor emeritus (Forest Ecology and Silviculture) at University of Copenhagen and professor at Nanjing Forestry University in Nanjing, China. Prior, he was professor (Forest protection) at Göttingen University, Germany.
His research covers silviculture, genetics and forest tree breeding, gene conservation and gene ecology, forest ecology, eco-physiology, provenance research and forest protection with the objective of understanding processes and functions of forest ecosystems to facilitate the development of sustainable forest management approaches. He has been instrumental in developing and applying close-to-nature forest management in Denmark. During the years 2020/21 he has facilitated the EU-Commission lead process on Closer-to-Nature Forest management is the principal author of the recent publication on this subject*.
He has served on the Board of several international forest research organizations including European Forest Institute (EFI, Board chair), International Forestry Research Center (CIFOR, Board member) and World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF, Board member).

(*): Larsen JB, Angelstam P, Bauhus J, Carvalho JF, Diaci J, Dobrowolska D, Gazda A, Gustafsson L, Krumm F, Knoke T, Konczal A, Kuuluvainen T, Mason B, Motta R, Pötzelsberger E, Rigling A, Schuck A, 2022. Closer-to-Nature Forest Management. From Science to Policy 12. European Forest Institute. - doi: https://doi.org/10.36333/fs12

See the details of his speech (Monday 9 September 2024, 11:00-12:45 - Keynote Lectures).
